Back in September of 1996, after counselling entrepreneurs for about 4 years on the start-up of new small businesses, a dream of mine became reality. That dream was to help people stay motivated and not get discouraged when things did'nt go their way. I had watched in horror as many a small business went under due to nothing else but the lack of drive to keep it going.
That was when I decided to add Personal Motivational Consulting to my roster and began seeking wisdom on the Internet. Realizing that Cyberspace was a virtual "Motivational Dessert" an idea came to mind: After subscribing to several business related Email Newsletters, I decided to publish my own newsletter called MOTIV8. It would be a FREE Weekly publication for surfers who needed that extra Motivational Boost every Monday to start their week off right. It was an instant success. The subscriber base shot from 0 to over 700 in about three months. And then disaster struck.
Several very disturbing personal circumstances arose and I no longer had the energy or resources to continue publishing MOTIV8. But now, after re-examining my life, and humbly realizing that I had to practice what I preached in my newsletter, I am determined to make my mark online and off as the publisher of the greatest Motivational Publication of all time. I sincerely believe that if I help enough people with Motivation, everything in their lives and mine will fall right into place.
It is with great pleasure that I announce the New MOTIV8 Newsletter and it's Web based companion, MOTIV8 Online! You may subscribe to the email version of MOTIV8 by sending email to: and typing "SUBSCRIBE" in the subject line. The newsletter is FREE and you may cancel at any time via an email with "CANCEL" as the subject.
Each weekly issue of MOTIV8 is packed with Motivational Articles, Quotes, True stories from readers, online Resources, etc. I don't know of any other newsletter like it on the Internet.
Until you recieve your first issue of MOTIV8, surf around the site and make note of the "TIP! Banners" on every page, they contain some of my favourite techniques for staying motivated. Also, Edwin the eagle
has some very inspiring quotes, just click on him to have a look.
"Make every day more enjoyable than the last."
--Paul Short